Party Nutrition Guidelines

Diese E-Mail erreichte mich von der Class-Mom (vergleichbar mit einer Elternpflegschafts-vorsitzenden) von Tims Klasse:

Hi Everyone,
We will be having a party on Wed. Nov. 24 at 11:10 in the class room.
We are allowed to bring food! I have attached the food guidelines for you. ….

Diese Richtlinien sind schon eine Nummer für sich – hier gilt es, sich zuerst schlau zu machen, bevor man das Falsche kauft: keine zuckerhaltigen Getränke, keinen Kuchen oder Kekse, nichts mit Erdnüssen, geschnittenes Gemüse nur fertig aus dem Geschäft, nur fettarmer Mozzarella, generell keine Lebensmittel über acht Gramm Fett pro Portion. Bei Geburtstagsfeiern ist dann Essen direkt komplett verboten („foodless“)!

Was man den Kindern (nicht!) mitgeben darf:

The following Party Nutrition Guidelines for the Morris School District need to be followed at all parties and celebrations held at school. This includes holidays and any school-wide or classroom celebrations, except for birthday celebrations which are foodless.
The Party Nutrition Guidelines are consistent with the Morris School District nutrition policy, as well as Board of Health Guidelines.

Please do not send:

  • Foods and drinks with high sugar content or sugar listed as the first ingredient, including: cookies, cakes, cupcakes, candy of any kind, and soda (regular or diet).
  • Peanuts or foods containing peanuts.
  • Foods with more than 8 grams of fat per serving.

Here are some ideas for healthier party foods:

  • Fresh fruit: You may bring whole fruit from home. Cut fruit must come from a store. It can be served with yogurt dip.
  • Dried fruit
  • Fruit leathers: No Fruit Rollups or other brands with added sugar. Look for brands that are all natural, with no added sugar.
  • Fruit popsicles: Made with real fruit and/or 100% fruit juice only.
  • Veggies and dip: Cut up vegetables must be purchased from a store, not prepared at home.
  • Whole grain muffins: Fruit may be added. Baked goods can be prepared at home.
  • Mini rice cakes
  • Baked tortilla, pita, potato or bagel chips with salsa or other dip, such as hummus (under 8 grams of fat/serving)
  • Low fat popcorn
  • Pumpkin seeds or Sunflower seeds
  • Pretzels – plain or maybe with mustard
  • Whole grain English muffin pizzas made with part skim mozzarella cheese
  • Yogurt (low fat)
  • Granola bars
  • Cereal bars
  • Drinks: 100% fruit juice or water

Und dann, eine Stunde nach der Thanksgiving-Party in der Klasse, gehen die Kids ihren School-Lunch in der Cafeteria holen, der da wäre: Mac and Cheese, Pizza, Hot Dog, Hamburger, ha ha ha … 🙂 (aber das nur am Rande).